Validity evidence of the Brazilian version Cotter Preceptor Selection Instrument

Evidências de validade da versão brasileira Cotter Preceptor Selection Instrument



Objective: Carry out cross-cultural adaptation and analyze evidence of the scale’s validityCotterPreceptor Selection Instrument - CPSI,Brazilian version. Methods: Evalidity evidence study of the Brazilian version of the CPSI instrument. The translation and synthesis process was carried out by two translators (T1 and T2). When Ogenerating items, the assembly level was used with experts. To provide evidence of validity, the instrument was submitted to a panel of multidisciplinary judges from different regions of Brazil. Results: The translation showed differences between the translations, in the synthesis the most appropriate and predominant option was T2. The cross-cultural translation process resulted in 10 domains and 34 attributes. When generating items, the instrument now has 12 domains and 57 attributes, with thecontent validation coefficient (CVR) which revealed values ​​between 0.55 and 0.96. In the panel of 31 judges, two attributes presented insufficient CVR, indicating the need for adjustment. Conclusion:The cross-cultural adaptation of the CPSI to Brazilian Portuguese revealed relevant linguistic and cultural nuances, resulting in an instrument with 12 domains and 52 attributes.


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Como Citar

Sousa, L. A., Rebustini, F. ., Cotter, E. ., & Ribeiro dos Santos, E. (2023). Validity evidence of the Brazilian version Cotter Preceptor Selection Instrument: Evidências de validade da versão brasileira Cotter Preceptor Selection Instrument. Concilium, 23(21), 307–330. Recuperado de


