Technologies and social networks: learning to imagine and create with the subtle for a healthy being movement
Tecnologias e redes sociais: aprender a imaginar e criar com o sutil para um movimento de ser saudável
Technology, Virtual Social Networks, Health Promotion, Healthy Lifestyle, FamilyResumo
Objective: To identify the use of new technologies and their influence on the production of health and illness, as well as the use of social networks as sources of health care by the families of children and adolescents in mental distress. Methodology: Qualitative in nature, Holistic Single Case Study type, based on Michel Maffesoli’s Theoretical and Sensitive Assumptions of Comprehensive and Everyday Sociology. Data were collected in September 2020, through interviews with 33 user families of the Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center, in a municipality in the north of Brazil, left in relation to the content. Results: The categories that emerged are: The power of the Imaginary to build a healthy being; The use of social networks as promoters of the Image-Imaginary relationship; The use of new technologies as health care promoters; Emotional and spiritual education as practices of good living. Final Considerations: The construction of a more conscious perspective of living is possible when we finally understand how much reality is activated by the effectiveness of our imagination, but it is up to us to seek exchanges through technology that favor a movement towards being healthy.
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