The quadripolar method applied to the results evaluation in social marketing projects

O método quadripolar aplicado à avaliação de resultados em projetos de marketing social




Social Marketing, Quadripolar Method, Evaluation


The social marketing campaigns are extremely important to help promote behaviours and attitudes that improve living conditions in society. But to consider the effectiveness of these practices, the verification and evaluation of its results are crucial points to give credibility to its actions. This article aims to present initial considerations for the elaboration of a research plan about the evaluation models of social marketing projects, based on the quadripolar method, which was idealized for the scientific research in social sciences. Thus, this document seeks to structure the scientific investigation bases according to the epistemological, theoretical, technical and morphological poles (basis of the quadripolar method), that will guide the execution of a research that has as one of its aims to evaluate the evaluation models of social marketing projects.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

de Almeida, F. A. S., Almeida, F. M. S. de ., & Silva, A. M. da . (2023). The quadripolar method applied to the results evaluation in social marketing projects: O método quadripolar aplicado à avaliação de resultados em projetos de marketing social. Concilium, 23(15), 129–142.


