Displacement and nodal wear analysis of mechanical parts using the Finite Element Method
Análise do deslocamento e desgaste nodal de peça mecânica pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos
Displacement;, Nodal wear, ; Finite Element MethodResumo
Mechanical parts for specific purposes must meet various requirements such as simplicity, durability and safety; this last factor is crucial in elements that, due to their purpose, may be subject to great additional stresses. In this direction, FEM simulation has been an important tool because the reliability of its results allows for the acceleration of processes that previously depended on physical tests, thus saving time and resources. For the development of this work, it was taken into consideration the problem related to the need of having mechanical elements that provide the characteristics of security and durability during its operation when composing a lock system with electronic drive, thus being a typical problem of strength of materials, specifically to analyze the mechanical structure of a given component and simulate its behavior under the action of extreme loads according to what is established in relevant standards. The development of the work made it possible to develop the simulation of the mechanical part considering the elements with which it interacts and thus validated its behavior under extreme loads.
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