The social function of possession through its interversion
A função social da posse por meio de sua interversão
Changes in social relations require overcoming paradigms. In this context, it is observed that there is a failure in legislative predictability and in the doctrinal discussion about intervention due to the thesis nemo sibi ipse causa possessionis mutare potest (no one can change the cause of possession for himself).In order to better adapt the norm to the factual situations, through an analysis of comparative law, it is intended to demonstrate the absence of discipline expressed by the Brazilian legislation and to identify the phenomenal modes of manifestation of the interversion of possession (interversion by act of a third party and intervention by own act), as well as the intervention of detention in possession, as current forms of possibility of original acquisition of property. Dealing with the theme is relevant due to the need to effectively comply with the constitutional principle of social function. The argumentative construct is made up of the deductive method of research, discussing the legislation in force, jurisprudence and doctrines.
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