Technological tools for project management in the digital transformation context

Ferramentas tecnológicas para gestão de projetos no contexto da transformação digital



This article aims to identify the technological tools described in patents that present the relationship between Project Management (PM) and Digital Transformation (DT). The research is characterized as exploratory, with a qualitative approach, and investigates patents in public access bases. The research was carried out in the databases of the office of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO), bringing a set of 45 patents that addressed technological tools together with the relationship between PM and DT. The results show a great concentration in the patent classification groups G (Physics) and H (electricity), with predominance in the G group. The results also show that, in the context of DT and PM, individuals and teams capable of working with digital technologies and tools are more willing in scenarios of technological automation, process rationalization, agility, cost reduction, and value creation. This research contributes to expanding the knowledge in the use of technological tools in patents in a DT and PM context. In addition, evidence demonstrates that patents require technological capabilities with competent individuals to use technological tools and innovations.


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Como Citar

Gonçalves, M., Penha, R., da Silva, L., Kniess, C., & Bizzarias, F. (2023). Technological tools for project management in the digital transformation context: Ferramentas tecnológicas para gestão de projetos no contexto da transformação digital. Concilium, 23(5), 381–397. Recuperado de


